foxton NZ
Where are we?,

The foxton website has been developed as an online directory to connect people with businesses, tradesmen, organisations, products, services and organizations to those in Foxton & the surrounding areas. The website is operated by Web Promotions undertaking to support the community of Foxton & surrounding areas. Our aim is to provide an awareness and easy-find directory to what these areas have to offer.

If you would like to list in the directory, or update your existing information, please visit the "Contact Us/Listings" page.

Foxton and Foxton Beach are sister communities, situated on State Highway 1, 30 minutes from Palmerston North and 90 minutes north of the Capital City - Wellington.

Tourism is a major part of the District and Foxton's economy. Foxton is the home of the Te Awahou Riverside Cultural Park - where you'll find the Flax Stripper Museum, a Dutch Windmill, Cafes, Library & two Museums in the award-winning Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom facility. The audio visual and movie museum, Mavtech, takes you back to the times of the old cinemas.

Foxton is a thriving township with local and national branded businesses. Surrounded to the North, East and South by agricultural and pastoral farming. Foxton also supports a number of commercial and service industries. An all weather Racecourse, currently used for Equestrian Events, Markets & the Men's Shed. The main shopping area, and attractions, are situated one block from SH1 adjacent to the Manawatu River Loop on the northern bank of the Manawatu River.

Foxton Beach is a popular holiday area. The Manawatu River Mouth, estuary and ocean support sea and river fishing, whitebaiting, surfing, sailing and swimming. You will also see jet skis, power boats and kayaks. The Foxton Beach residential area has seen recent growth and development with new housing and substantial upgrading of earlier homes.

The Manawatu River Estuary is a world reknown conservation area and is a popular spot for those watching the migratory bird species who inhabit the flats.


'HOROWHENUA DISTRICT COUNCIL': Horowhenua is located north of Wellington and Kapiti, the district stretches from slightly north of the town of Otaki in the south to just south of Himatangi in the north, and from the coast to the summit of the Tararua Ranges.

'HORIZONS REGIONAL COUNCIL': Manawatu-Wanganui is a region in the lower half of the North Island of New Zealand, around the cities of Palmerston North and Whanganui. The region is administered by the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council, which for trading purposes is known as Horizons Regional Council.


Health Shuttle to Levin & Palmerston North operated by the Foxton Beach Community Centre.
Click here to view info.

Where is Foxton?

Where are we?

Foxton is located here, along State Highway 1. We are north of Levin, and south of Palmerston North.