foxton NZ

Tony Robinson Motors Ltd

5 Hall St, Foxton 4814
Contact: Tony Robinson, (06) 363 5565
Mobile: 027 537 8755

We specialise in: Computerised Wheel Alignment, Automatic Transmission Servicing, Tyres, WOF & WOF Work, Automotive Engineering, Full Car Services & Oil Change, Brake Jobs, Gearbox & Clutch Jobs, Motor Jobs, Coolant Service, Automotive Air Conditioning.

Automotive Car Grooming is offered BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call to book in for this service.

Bruce Jack Panel & Paint

8 Ravensworth Place, Foxton 4814
Contact: (06) 363 8468
Dan Jack: 027 505 3118

Providing quality repairs to Foxton and the greater community for over 40 years.

Our friendly team are ready to straighten things out for you.

We specialise in:

Panel Beating * Spray Painting * Chassis Straightening * Collision Repair * Grooming Service * Plastic Welding * Windscreen Repairs * Rust Repairs

Come and see us today for your obligation free quote.